Warm holiday greetings to you all! Woke up this morning and before I could even start the coffee pot I took a phone call from my publisher…and after discussing a wide variety of topics, we’ve got great news going into 2019! The #NorbAF campaign is pickin’ up steam, and soon we’ll have t-shirts and bracelets on sale in my shop, to go along with copies of 100…how friggin’ wild is that?
Now you can be part of the movement and proudly sport my name on your chest, and it won’t even be weird! (Please, don’t make it weird.) Props to the Eliezer Tristan Publishing queen Sarah Fader for the design, and sorry I don’t have anymore info yet on them (like when they’ll be available or how much)…all I know is what they’ll look like.
In addition to the shirts, we’ll also have black rubber ETP bracelets, and blue rubber #NorbAF ones as well, because ya gotta have accessories that match your dope new #NorbAF gear!
What else is goin’ on? I’ve been layin’ low…taking a break from everything just to get through the holidays mentally intact, I figure. But I’m super-proud of the other ETP authors who are finalizing their books and gearing up for their works to be in print! 2019 is going to be a big year for a lot of people, and I can’t wait to read more about some of these wonderful individuals I’ve become friends with here and there through the extended ETP family. More cool stuff to look forward to…that’s how I look at it!
So, that’s really it y’all. I’ve got a busy rest of the week ahead of me as I get ready to go back to Western New York for Christmas with mom (who’s already been up my ass a little about when she can get a t-shirt hahahahahaha…I love you ma, but I don’t even have one yet so don’t worry; as soon as they’re available you can get one!) and some friends and good times. Let’s drop a little Commercialized/Goin’ Home playlist on my way out…
Wilco, “I Love My Label”
Pearl Jam, “Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town”
Aesop Rock, “Lotta Years”
Bowling For Soup, “My Hometown”
Simon & Garfunkel, “My Little Town”
RZA feat, Method Man and Cappadonna, “Wu-Wear: The Garment Renaissance”
Miracle Of ’86, “Nice Shirt, Salvadore Dali”
Oasis, “The Girl In The Dirty Shirt”
Hawksley Workman, “Learn How To Knit”
Reel Big Fish, “Sell Out”
The Clash, “Career Opportunities”
Reggie And The Full Effect, “Christmas In Hollis”
Ok…Merry Christmas ya filthy animals! Happy holidays and enjoy celebrating what it is you celebrate…family, fellowship, and joy. That’s all that really matters, right? So do it up right, however you choose to do it. I’ll see you guys in the new year, when I know more about the merch. Stay cool…peace!
Hey everyone! Hope you’ve had an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday with friends, family, and loved ones…and you haven’t made life a living hell for them or the poor souls in retail on Black Friday (and having spent my entire life in customer service and retail management, believe me when I say there’s a special place in hell for you if you have). I got back this afternoon from a week at my mom’s back in Western New York, spending time with her and some friends, and while I’m thankful for being able to have done so, it’s also nice again to be back home where I can sleep in my own bed and get back into my routine here (until Christmas comes around next month and I’m back out on the road!).
And what a week it was! Both my beloved Sabres and Bills had some big wins. I spent some time with the homies down at Matty’s Pub, watching the UFC (or is it MMA? I have no clue. [Side note: Outside of a few highlight clips on SportsCenter, I’ve never seen UFC or MMA before…and I’m very clueless about it other than the general premise of watching two people beat the everlovin’ outta each other. So with those expectations and those only in mind, I was not disappointed.]). Matty’s Pub was also the venue of choice for Sunday’s Bills game (where there was also a brawl) but more importantly, this picture hung of my late brother who was a staple behind the basement bar until he passed two years and one week ago today.
Let’s see…what else? I had a run-in with the Subway at the Greyhound station in Syracuse because they made me a breakfast wrap they were incapable of ringing me out properly for, and after informing me I’d basically have to pay double for something other locations have made easily for me in the past and told me I couldn’t use my “Tokens” or whatever their loyalty program is now, got really shitty with me when I told them I didn’t want it (seriously, how much of a corporate hardship is it to slap steak/egg/cheese inside a sun-dried tomato wrap??)…and when I complained to their ownership group about it, got nothing more than an “Ooops, sorry about that, but we talked to the employees and it won’t happen again!”…uhhhh….ya damn right it won’t, cuz I have zero confidence now in your business practices and customer relations (especially when combined with your substandard food offerings in an area where my choices are Subway, Dunkin’, and the in-house bodega with no better selection than the vending machines). So yeah, that sucked.
But…mom and I took 2nd place in Pub Trivia (thanks to a colossal tie after the final question that necessitated a wild stab at the overtime question) on the quote-unquote Biggest Party Night Of The Year. After dinner some of my brother’s friends (ok, I can stop calling them that, because they’re my friends too now) came out for karaoke, where things proceeded to get loud and rambunctious (of course). [Side Note: This is the same place my brother took me to for my 40th birthday, where a very Crown-and Coke’d me vociferously complained about the karaoke DJ not having any Beastie Boys songs in his catalog.] While I am proud to announce that the DJ has made tremendous strides in his offerings, I cannot say with the same enthusiasm that my performance Wednesday night was as exciting.
But hey, fun is fun, am I right? My only regret is that I didn’t get a recording of me doing “Sabotage” also, where my boy said, and I quote, “You’re scaring people.”
Thanksgiving itself was low-key…just mom and I and some turkey and her stuffing (my favorite, and if you say anything other than stuffing in general is your idea of “the best part of Thanksgiving Dinner”, then you’re a cop) and football and me on the couch in my pajamas from morning ’til night. It’s hands-down my favorite meal of the year, along with Second Thanksgiving (the midnight raiding of the leftovers). And Friday was pretty low-key as well, or at least it was until I was tagged in a Facebook post from my publisher announcing the arrival of the Stigma Fighters Anthology Vol. 4 launch on Amazon…which she says is dedicated to me (!!) and not only includes my very first online submission for them, but also three poems that aren’t in 100. How #NorbAF and #dopeAF is that??
And hey, it’s not just me that’s in this amazing collection…I’ve met and/or became friends with quite a few of these people in a very busy and incredible 2018 so far, and it’s worth much more than your time to check out their stories and how we’re all trying to do our part in combating the stigmas surrounding various mental illnesses.
So yeah, it’s been a week y’all! I’m so thankful to have so many exceptional and amazing people in all the many facets of my life who care about me and do beautiful things and kick so much more ass than they even know. For that, I think it’s time to bang out a good ol’ Thanks and I love you playlist! Hit it!!
The Tragically Hip, “Courage (For Hugh MacLennan)”
Filter, “The Best Things”
The Get Up Kids, “Holiday”
Mike Doughty, “Thank You, Lord, For Sending Me The F Train”
Death Cab For Cutie, “Autumn Love”
Franz Ferdinand, “Come On Home”
The Killers, “Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love To Town”
Uncle Tupelo, “I Got Drunk”
Hey Mercedes, “Our Weekend Starts On Wednesday”
The Black Keys feat. RZA, “The Baddest Man Alive”
Hail Mary Mallon, “Grubstake”
The Hollies, “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother”
I understand this playlist may mean very little to you, but it means a lot to me and that’s kinda what counts…my blog, my rules! Anyway, that’s where I’m at…I’m off to take advantage of a couple Writing.com Cyber Monday deals and say what’s up to some friends there. Hope you’re all well, and if not you know where to find me. Much love, friends!
What’s good homies? Here’s your reminder to (if you haven’t already) get out and VOTE!! In honor of Election Day in the US I posted yesterday a brand new video reading of “Politics”, which is from the current notebook I’m drawing words into, World By Design. I hope you’ll take the minute and a half required to check it out.
Of course, the big news lately around these parts has been Barnes & Noble picking up my book! Big thanks to the homies at Eliezer Tristan Publishing for getting that hooked up!! That’s one more venue for you to purchase your copy of 100 at (and here’s how)…
Yes, it’s still crazy…and no, it hasn’t really sunk in yet that at some point I’ll be on shelves possibly all over the place. If you’re in a B&N, ask for it by name. Make them order it. If you get it from Amazon, PLEASE, review it!! And if you’ve gotten it from me or ETP, let us know! Take a pic with it so we can share it on Instagram and Twitter, yo! We’re spreadin’ the word through word of mouth, ya know? And if ya got a podcast or access to a newspaper, my laptop is open for business via interviews and whatnot. Just let me know where to send the press release, k?
One more thing I’ve been up to…I just submitted another new article to a very prominent Mental Health Advocacy site (not gonna name it yet cuz I don’t wanna jinx it). Fingers crossed…may take a month or so to find out, but #ItsOKMan (there’s your hint, I suppose).
Alright y’all…let’s kick out a little “Get Out And Vote” (and other things) playlist then!
The Band, “When I Paint My Masterpiece”
The Smiths, “Shoplifters Of The World Unite”
Radiohead, “Electioneering”
My Chemical Romance, “Disenchanted”
Bob Dylan, “Masters Of War”
Rage Against The Machine, “Voice Of The Voiceless”
Bruce Springsteen, “The Ghost Of Tom Joad”
Anthrax, “I Am The Law”
Pearl Jam, “Do The Evolution”
Saul Williams, “List Of Demands (Reparations)”
The Replacements, “Unsatisfied”
Atmosphere, “Commodities”
Ok…I guess we’re done here. Remember: VOTE MOTHERFUCKERS! And when you’re done, send Amazon/B&N reviews…it’s important from a business stance I’m told. More reviews on Amazon get you better advertising and search results, or something. And after that, take a nap or reward yourself with something nice…you’ve been a good adult today! Peace…much love to you all.
Hey slackers! (Okay, so I’m the slacker.) I’ve got a fun little announcement to make…finally updated this website to accept credit card payments through PayPal to get some autographed copies of 100. What that means is you don’t need a PayPal account to make a purchase…but your purchase goes into my account and I get paid directly once I get the book and sign it for you. I think that sounds like a good deal, don’t you?
If you were on the fence about getting 100 and were leery about the whole PayPal thing, fear not now! It’s just like entering your card number on any other website you shop at…and I know your ass shops, cuz I can tell by your shoes and the hoodie under your winter jacket this unseasonably chilly autumn. They ain’t from around the here you call “here”.
So in honor of this moderately astonishing occasion, let’s waterslide into the weekend with paid playlist, shall we not?
Sunny Day Real Estate, “100 Million”
The Flaming Lips & Stardeath and White Dwarfs, “Money (feat. Henry Rollins)”
Blur, “Bank Holiday”
Nine Inch Nails, “1,000,000”
Elton John, “Look Ma, No Hands”
Emerson, Lake & Palmer, “Lucky Man”
Radiohead, “Nude” (“Big Ideas”)
Saves The Day, “Sell My Clothes, I’m Off To Heaven”
Matthew Good, “She’s In It For The Money”
Wilco, “Poor Places”
James Brown, “Papa’s Got A Brand Bag”
Gorillaz, “Hallelujah Money (feat. Benjamin Clementine)”
Ok, I’m done with this. Wanna wish my man Adam a happy birthday…I still consider you and DMFM my closest B-Lo friends, brothers, and I love you both.
Time to go I think…maybe figure out some dinner and whatever else to do with the rest of my night. And hey, I’d be honored if y’all told me what you think so far…of the book, or what I’m up to, or whatever else is going on! The comment section is open for business up in here! Hope you people have a fantastic weekend! Peace.
Hey people! Just checking in…hope you’re all well!I know the quick math tells me I haven’t been here in a long time, but today I wanted to write something for my Writing.com blogging friends, which I haven’t visited in a longer time. That’s ok, right? I get some kinda reprieve, yeah? Thought so. 😄
And I also needed to exercise my right to actually bang away words on a keyboard. I wrote a blog entry, which you can find right here…some Johnny Carson stuff and in there I talk about how he was my inspiration growing up, and how his television format related to my blogging experiences. Carson laid a foundation for me, and it not only paid off for me, but was a piece of the puzzle that got me to where I am now.
I also give some good blogging advice, but blogging is what you feel. It’s your space, and I’m not gonna tell you how to run it. I just tell you how I ran with things.
So with that said, let’s move into a quick movin’, two-blog-entries-in-two-days, random-ass iTunes playlist you…and you…and ok you but not you, and definitely not you, but you’re cool. Let’s go.
Beastie Boys (Live With The Biz), “Groove Holmes”
Fiona Apple, “Fast As You Can”
Helmet, “Iron Head”
Geto Boys, “Life In The Fast Lane”
Deftones, Rocket Skates”
Reggie & The Full Effect, “Ain’t Gettin’ Paid To Dance”
Poe, “Hello”
Wilco (live), “I’m The Man Who Loves You”
Pearl Jam (live), “Go”
Ramones, “Strength To Endure”
Queens Of The Stone Age, “Lightning Song”
The Replacements, “Can’t Hardly Wait”
I love you all and thank you so much for your continued support. Give it up for Eliezer Tristan Publishing Give it up if you’ve already supported and are sick of my shit! And give it up if you can relate.
Silly stupid honored, y’all. Still don’t have the appropriate words for it,, but I’ll be back when I do. I love you guys.
PS…Ok, shameless plug and all, but get you and your friends, families, and homies some signed books from me!! Alright, peace yo.
Happy weekend, y’all! Just poppin’ in to say hey and tell you that I did another new thing yesterday…for the first time ever, I guested on a podcast! How wild is that? I was interviewed about 100, along with different aspects of Mental Health, how it affects relationships, and a bit on how my own experiences influenced the process and outcome of my book. It’s just over a half hour, which makes it convenient listening, and you can find it here: The Sarah Fader Podcast: Be Kind To One Another. And I’ve learned something about it through doing it…I need to work on my public speaking skills, which have shamefully eroded over time. Way too many “umms” and “uhhhs” in there for my liking, but as long as you’re not like me and don’t find my voice annoying, it won’t be too much of a problem for ya.
As far as other projects go…while I’m disappointed in myself that I haven’t been able find the right tone yet for one piece and that feels like it’s holding everything else up I’ve got on my plate, I’m happy with a couple of the poems I’ve finished for my current poetry project (the first poems I’ve really been able to sit down comfortably and write since this whole “Hey! I’m a published author now!” thing blew up) and maybe a little more traveling next week will shake loose everything else (and “traveling” is your hint, my friends *wink wink*).
Also, I don’t remember if I mentioned this in my last post but I know I threw it up on my Facebook author page but my first article for Stigma Fighters has been featured on The Good Men Project last week. I’m really grateful for that.
Alright well, it’s the weekend and while there’s still some work to be done, let’s relax a little with a Talking/Listening playlist. Why not?
Jimmy Eat World, “Hear You Me”
Cage The Elephant, “In One Ear”
Texas Is The Reason, “There’s No Way I Can Talk Myself Out Of This One Tonight”
Jori and The PUSH, “Everyone’s Talking”
The Beach Boys, “Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)”
Run-DMC, “You Talk Too Much”
The Monkees, “Listen To The Band”
Public Enemy, “sPEak!”
Manchester Orchestra, “Jimmy, He Whispers”
Rufus & Chaka Khan, “Tell Me Something Good”
Tracy Bonham, “Tell It To The Sky”
Thom Yorke, “Hearing Damage”
Ok people from near and far, take that and enjoy the rest of your weekend…there’s a small carnival in the park across the street from me goin’ on that I might check out, and I hope there’s some fun and/or comfort in your lives as well. Go Bills, and peace.
PS: OH!! Don’t forget to hit the “SHOP” button at the top of this post to get yourself a signed copy of 100! I’ll even ship it to you, domestically or internationally…I hear they make greater Trick-or-Treat offerings than apples, bags of pennies, and chestnuts. Jus’ sayin’.
What is UP y’all? Finally back home and spent a night in my own bed for the first time in what feels like forever. I’ve been gone so long that I forgot the channel number of some of the stations I put on for background noise while I’m doing other things…it’s hard to think and get back into a routine when you’ve been all over the country. I guess I’ve said this already (mostly), but this is what my itinerary was for the last 2+ weeks:
Cortland -> Syracuse, by bus
Syracuse -> Chicago (layover), by plane
Chicago -> Portland, OR, by plane
Portland -> Seattle, by car
Seattle -> Indianapolis, by plane
Indy -> Atlanta (layover), by plane
Atlanta -> Syracuse, by plane
‘Cuse back home to Cortland, by Lyft
And my body’s exhausted even after crashing once I saw my bed. Good thing I leave a clean house when I travel, so I don’t have to wade through nonsense before I drop. Kinda not happy with myself now though for scheduling a visit with the therapist not even 24 hours after I was due back, but I know I’m a horrible scheduler and I’m trying to get better at it…but that’s another post for another time, my friends.
All I’m gonna say is that I’ve had a blast the last two weeks…being to places I’ve never been to before, eating at different restaurants that aren’t available in my areas locally, meeting and spending time with people I’ve known for years and years because of the internet and picking up just like long-lost friends doin’ their thang-thangs like they always do, and experiencing life in ways I haven’t in so long and/or ways I’d never thought of and may not be ever able to accomplish again. It was much-needed for my soul and my psyche…validation is a hell of a drug!
So now what? Besides remembering what channel ESPN is on and finishing unpacking like the procrastinating wad of jumbled genius brain cables I sometimes become)…I’ve still got some work to do. The hustler never quits on himself, so I’ve lined up a few appearances as a guest blogger and featured author on a few sites, as well as a podcast and more. I can’t give away the store y’all…you’ll just hafta keep posted and pay attention to this kid as he does his thing with the breaks he’s been given and the cracks he got to spring from. It’s gonna be a work week at home, finally, because I feel like I did more work on the West Coast and in Indy than I did the month prior (but to be fair, that month I was gearing up for this trip and allowed myself some unprecedented openness and accountability in my life for a change). Now, I gotta keep the train a-rollin’ while I still have some momentum, and prepare myself for a slowdown of sorts just in case. At least I have something (and many things really, like new friends with similar thoughts/feelings/outlooks/diagnoses) tangible from this chapter of my life where I can say that if it all goes away, this time I own more positive memories and experiences than typical relationships. Every memory is embedded without judgement or shame, and each detail has given me more strength and courage to push forward. How many of you can say the same after a string of broken relationships, ugly losses, or a life that felt overall like bad luck was your hair goo? This is something that can’t and won’t go away, and you want to keep…like a dope tattoo of a time in your life, on your life.
There’s also this, which I’m flat-fuck stoked about:
You wanna signed book? Come get one here, from my website. There are both US and International shipping options, in case you forgot or were wondering.
So yeah, that’s what’s up. Let’s break into a home-themed playlist before I wreck some microwaved food and hit another stellar nap on my own terms, shall we? And if you’re not down with the selections, I suggest you start your own blog not to hate on me, but to show us your variety and eclectic tuneology. I won’t fight you, and I won’t judge you (even if it’s horrible). You tried, and for that I can thank you immensely enough. Rock your own dance party from time to time. Let it all out!
Atmosphere, “Always Coming Back Home To You (+ ‘Say Shh’)”
Supertramp, “Breakfast In America”
The New Amsterdams, “Hover Near Fame”
Motley Crue, “Home Sweet Home”
Mother Love Bone, “This Is Shangrila”
Herman’s Hermits, “I’m Into Something Good”
Red Hot Chili Peppers, “Castles Made Of Sand (Jimi Hendrix cover)”
Nirvana, “Come As You Are”
Madness, “Our House”
Moby, “Now I Let It Go”
Blur, “Country House”
Blink-182, “This Is Home”
Let’s celebrate your home…if you got a roof over your head and the means to keep it, throw your hands up. If home means something entirely different than what you thought when you were a kid, throw them hands up. If home means your family now isn’t your real family, keep them damn hands up. And if home is in your heart, keep your hands to yourselves but put your arms around the people closest to you. Home doesn’t hafta be where you grew up, where you live now, or what you’re even imagining. Home is what you make it. Get settled and find a routine. Your life is your home, even if there ain’t no November turkeys (my favorite holiday, BTW) or Santa Clauses flyin’ around. Work on that, please…while I work on either more tidying up or a nap. My naps in Indy were few and far between, and in Seattle I barely took any (‘cept for that one morning, after walking around like a sodomized penguin). After visiting a few airports, I’ve come to the conclusion that all y’all need to chill in public or GTFO. Jus’ sayin’. Tourists do NOT give a fuck about you and your circle. We’ve got enough on our minds as it is (I’m lookin’ at you and your way too crowded and confined airport). Ok…mini-rant over.
Anyway, thanks for bein’ here and checkin’ this out today…time to get busy! Peace!
Hello there, fine people of the internet! It’s been awhile, but not because I’m lazy…I’m sittin’ here on the road in my first full day in Indianapolis, fresh from the West Coast (specifically Portland and Seattle). If you’ve been following my journey so far, you’ll remember that the company that was nice enough to publish my book had their launch party last weekend…what a super-fun time that was! The weekend in general was a blasty-blast…not only did I meet in person my team at Eliezer Tristan Publishing , but I got to hang with some new friends from all over the country promoting the brand and raising awareness.
I also read a few pieces from 100 to a live audience, and heard some incredible stories of self-awareness and resilience from other ETP authors. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I’m still thankful and in awe of the opportunity. I wish I had some video of the event, but all I’ve seen is just Facebook live posts which aren’t very loud.
From there it was on to Seattle to chill with a friend of mine in the Pacific Northwest, and take in many of the sights and whatnot the area has to offer. It was a week of many firsts: first time staying at an Air B&B, first concert I’ve attended in over six years (the Beatles tribute act RAIN at the Washington State Fair, during a torrential downpour no less), first time eating Chick-fil-A and Jack In The Box, and my first open mic experience. I read “Tattooed” and I can’t really explain how gratifying it felt to have complete strangers from my opposite coast applauding my work. It was definitely a new kind of rush for me.
And then all the touristy stuffs one does in the area: the Space Needle, the Fremont Troll under the bridge, and the Museum of Pop Culture (MoPop), which had sweet-ass sweet Nirvana and Pearl Jam exhibits. Record stores, book stores, and Pike’s Place Market…where they will physically throw your fish to be wrapped up before you buy it. You know in NY the health department would be all over that like, ummm, scales on fish, tryin’ to shut that down in a hurry. There’d be laws and ordinances and signs up everywhere saying “Throwing Fish Is Punishable Up To A $500 Fine” or some shit. That’s just the way it is.
Anyway, that’s where I’m at for now. Sittin’ back and relaxin’ in Indy, waitin’ to hear back on a few friends in the area to see what’s what with who and where. Let’s cap this post off like we always do in these parts…how about a performance and entertainment playlist? Somethin’ different, with that good ol’ groove shine on it!
Marc Bolan & T. Rex, “Cosmic Dancer”
Led Zeppelin, “Dancing Days”
KRS-One, “Out For Fame”
Mission Of Burma, “Fame And Fortune”
Eyedea & Abilities, “Sky Diver”
Supertramp, “Gone Hollywood”
Braid, “Perfect Pitch”
Atmosphere, “Feel Good Hit Of The Summer 2”
The Beatles, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Love Remix)”
Jack White, “Ezmerelda Steals The Show”
The Used, “Poetic Tragedy”
10,000 Maniacs, “Stockton Gala Days”
And there you have it! All caught up for now, so I’m done here I think. Time to get this posted and figure out where I’mma head for dinner. Sounds like a plan…hope you’re all well! Peace!
Hey hey y’all! The World Tour Of Norb is all settled…plane and bus tickets booked, places to stay confirmed, friends on high alert. I’ve got a pocket full of Xanax to get me through the plane anxiety…here is the itinerary, with dates and times:
Portland, 9/6-9/10…6:30pm until my friend arrives on the 10th
Seattle, 9/10-9/16…when we get there and stop at the WA State Fair for RAIN, a Beatles cover band
Indianapolis, 9/16-9/24…6pm Sunday til a crazy early checkout time the following Monday
Hear that y’all? If you’re in those neighborhoods, give me a shout. I’ll read in your bookstores and libraries. I will pontificate in your coffee shops. I will pretend that my poetry heals the sick and curses demons in the living rooms of the frightened non-believers. I’m also available for napping on your couch, petting your animals, riling up your kids before bedtime, and talking all hours into the night while avoiding my own problems/issues/discretion. Fun times, yo!
And that’s my word y’all…straight from the publishing company’s CEO…
What up Portland?! Come to our event for ETP ( Eliezer Tristan Publishing) – Lewis and Clark College. It’s our launch party and we have a celebrity guest! @eliezertristanp@OFCLSparklle@RealSarahC
WHAT UP Y’ALL?! Come on out!! Go explore at the college named for explorers…find poets and writers you’ve never seen before. That’s what life’s about, right? New experiences! I’m fortunate to be able to do this, because it’s something I was only able to fantasize about for a long time. Now I can! And I’mma make the most of it…because it may never happen again. Unless…
Thank you for the RT, @isarosepress …how/where/when can we hook up for a reading? Sorry to be so forward…not sure how else to reach you but I admire your tweets often.
I know after I get home and relax a bit, I’ll wanna hit some friends up along the east coast. I’ve got friends I’d love to see between NJ and FL, and this might be the time of year to do it before it gets too cold and gross outside with snow and whatnot. Also, while I’m in the travelin’ mood.
But let’s see what happens, ok? Haven’t had a door closed on me in awhile (besides the debacle in Seattle where there are three month waiting lists for authors to stop in and get books signed). And I’m still getting no love from Buffalo indie shops. What happened to the city of good neighbors? What’s up with the expat ignoring…ohhhhhh never mind. Didn’t realize Talking Leaves closed up. Dammit…who doesn’t have stories of the indie book shops or record shops they used to wander aimlessly through while spending half a paycheck at the end? *waves hand*
Alright, let’s stuff a playlist in here. Some sorta travel nonsense. Or just straight beloved nonsense, which is the best kinda nonsense ever.
Chris Cornell, “Mission 2000”
Beastie Boys, “What Comes Around”
Atmosphere, “7th Street Entry”
Ramones, “Outsider”
Lo-Fidelity Allstars, “How To Operate With A Blown Mind”
Buck 65, “1957”
Bob Dylan, “Going, Going, Gone (live at Budokan}”
Counting Crows, “American Girls”
Fun., “Carry On”
Billy Bragg & Wilco, “I’m Out To Get”
Felt, “Protagonists”
The Beatles, “We Can Work It Out”
Alright my peoples…that’s my word. One more time, I wanna ask you to help out Eliezer Tristan Publishing so we can confirm the surprise guest headliner…drop a few bucks in their digital PayPal bucket so we can get my man to do his thing after I do my thing. I don’t wanna give away the secrets of the industry, but this individual has a tremendous following and requires a fair amount of cash to spread his good vibes amongst the crowd. I will be in that same crowd across the country…let’s make it happen!!
Ok, I’m done here. I got stuff to answer to, food (a sandwich, with veggies) to eat, a nap to take, a Mets game to agonize over, and setting up priorities for packing and printing itineraries for the next couple weeks. Peace y’all…you know I love you!
Greetings and salutations, party people…what’s up? Again, my sincerest apologies for not being around much lately. I’ve just had a lot going on and I’m happy to share some of that with you…but first:
The Eliezer Tristan Launch Party is less than a week away!!
And that means on Thursday I’ll be taking my first-ever cross-country flight from Syracuse, NY to Portland, OR. How friggin’ exciting is that? I still have so much to do to get ready for it, but I’m not stressing out about it. I’ve got a pocketful of Xanax waiting for me as I hop on a plane (I’m a terrible flyer) and I’ve got a head swimming with anticipation and wonder. I’m gonna be meeting people for the first time in person after speaking with them for so long over emails and phone convos…pretty freakin’ wild. I soooooo cannot wait y’all!
Ok let’s see…what else have I been up to? My friend Michelle from Seattle flew in to visit me last week, and that was a lot of fun! A big step for me, letting someone other than the maintenance workers and my mom in my apartment, let alone stay overnight. The big highlight of the visit was going down to the Cortland Repertory Theatre for The Rat Pack Lounge, a wonderfully entertaining play about Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr. coming down from heaven to help a struggling bar owner. Don’t we look grand?
Anyway, it was good to have a nice break from worrying about life for awhile so I could spend it with someone so amazing, doing things you just can’t do when you’re by yourself. Not that I have a problem with dining out alone or going to certain places, but having such a fun and wonderful person accompanying me is something I hadn’t experienced in so long and lemme tell you, it still rocks!
And that brings me back to my upcoming travels. I’m not sure how long I’m gonna be in Portland (I arrive the evening of the 6th, and the launch party is Saturday the 8th). I do believe there may be a visit to Powell’s (a Portland bookstore) but I’m not sure when. And from there, Michelle is driving down from Seattle and we’re gonna roadtrip it back to her area for a few days. Again, no set timetable. I’ve got no agenda other than maybe hitting a few places for readings and whatnot, with tentative plans to see the greatest Beatles tribute band, RAIN, at the fairgrounds they’ve got over there. I’ve already seen them a few times in an indoor theatre setting, so it’ll be nice to see them in something different.
Let’s switch gears for a minute and pump some tires…Eliezer Tristan Publishing is doing and has been doing some amazing stuff the last couple weeks, as far as dropping new releases and hooking up different authors with plans to publish their works. That makes me hella excited for them, and to see the ETP family grow! Richard De Fino’s book just came out, and he now makes his home in my hometown of Buffalo…how cool is that, that a west coast publishing company was able to snag not one, but two Buffalonians? It’s another one of those wild unsolved mysteries, and all I can say is Buffalo is ripe for mining talent, yo. Get down there and just soak it all right in. We’re more than chicken wings, snow, and the Goo Goo Dolls.
And here’s a little somethin’ for you people who need some visualization…ETP now has a YouTube Channel which you should definitely be subscribing to, not only for more info on this amazing non-profit, but for dope videos like this:
And lastly, there’s the issue of fundraising…I can’t stress enough how much ETP is doing for the mental health community in general, as well as putting peoples’ stories out there in hopes of erasing all of the many stigmas surrounding mental illness. We’re not quote-unquote crazy. We’re not the human equivalent of Looney Tunes. We’re strong, accepting, caring, thoughtful people who have been through so much that dealing with it all is like trying to peel an onion without crying, but inside the onion is more onion and suddenly all of life is onions that you can keep peeling until you learn how to make an often socially unacceptable onion salad, which you need to buy into before you can convince your locals that it isn’t that bad because it’s still a vegetable and with the right dressing it’s rather palatable. That’s my life. That’s getting to know me when you think mental illness is some contrived psychologist bullshit. While I’m usually easy to get along with, getting me to that stage of meeting and trusting someone is downright hard. I feel like I’m constantly trying to convince people I’m ok, and I have to work at least 10x harder to gain reciprocal trust. But enough about me…my man Ricky will tell you why ETP is a great organization to spread some love to. And ETP is also on Patreon with some dope hauls for anyone/everyone who donates to the cause…check it out, because it’s worth your time and energy. That’s my word.
Ok, so while I’m doing some other nonsense that means nothing to you but almost everything to me, let’s crack out an excitement and scared and thrilled playlist via my iPod, ok? Got it? Let’s go!
The Tragically Hip, “Scared”
Gerry & The Pacemakers, “Ferry ‘Cross The Mersey”
Pearl Jam, “Fortunate Son (live, Buffalo 5/2/03)”
Regina Spektor, “Edit”
Blackpool Lights, “This Town’s Disaster”
Mudhoney, “Pokin’ Around”
Oasis, “Half The World Away”
Big D & The Kids Table, “Moment Without An End”
Tears For Fears, “Shout”
The Tragically Hip, “Freak Turbulence”
Arctic Monkeys, “Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured”
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, “Clap Your Hands!”
Ok you and your friends and your parents and their friends, I love you all but I have other stuff to do today and it’s not like I’m ignoring you but yeah, life’s a bit wild (I hate that I keep using that word) right now, and I’m trying to enjoy it while I can (before it goes away). Plus, I need to make a sandwich and eat the coldcuts that are in my fridge before I hafta leave. Peace, share me with your friends, thank you all for still being here, and, ummm, just, thanks.